Wednesday, February 22, 2012

V6 - ARTS AND CRAFTS, By Sally Dunst

Igitenge Elephants
By Sally Dunst

Steps1. Trace all of the pieces on igitenge and cut them out. Quantities are in parentheses on the pattern sheet next to the piece names. You should have 8 pieces.

2. Take 2 Ear pieces and match them up, one on top of another. Sew from point A to point B in the direction the arrow indi-cates. Turn this inside out. Cut out the ear shape from an index card, but make it slightly smaller so it will fit inside the ear you have just sewn. This paper will make the ear stiff! Repeat to make the other ear.

3. Take an Elephant Side and sew on an Ear at the ear edge line. Sew on an eye on the X. I used a row of tiny beads but you can use different material. Repeat on the other Elephant Side, but put the Ear and eye on the opposite side of the fabric.

4. Place one Elephant Side so the Ear and eye are face down. Take the Under Belly piece, fold it where the dotted line is on the pattern, and place it on one Elephant Side. Make sure you match up the Front Leg and Back Leg on the Elephant Side and on the Under Belly. Sew from *1 to *2 following the direction of the arrow on the Under Belly pattern. Repeat with the other Elephant Side.

5. Continue sewing together the 2 Elephant Sides by sewing from *2 to *3.

6. Match up *3 on an Elephant Side with *3 on the Top of Head piece. As you did with the Under Belly, place the Top of Head so it is in between the 2 Elephant Sides. Sew from *3 to *4 to join the Top of Head piece with an Elephant Side. Repeat with the other Elephant Side.

7. Exciting part! Turn what you have com-pleted inside out. You should have an ele-phant that is sewn together except for his butt. Up until this point the only stitching you should be able to see is on the Ear along the ear edge line. All the other stitch-ing disappeared when you turned the ele-phant inside out. To finish the butt, you will have to sew so the stitching is visible on the outside. Just fold the fabric so you‘re sewing the edges inside. Before you close up the elephant completely, fill it with rice. Don‘t forget to give your elephant a tail—simply place a scrap piece of fabric between the fabric of the butt while you‘re sewing it up.

8. You can give you elephant some personality by sewing accessories for it. My little sister is graduating from high school this year so I made her an elephant with a graduation cap!

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